We’ve built end-to-end capabilities that enable systematic TCR-T therapeutic development at scale
Streamlining the path from genetic sequences found selectively in tumours to clinic-ready TCR-T cell therapies
Our systematic approach operates at scale to engineer precision cell therapies to address the immense target space

TCR-T Target Mapping
High resolution precision HLA-peptide target discovery
We insert mutated or dysregulated genes from cancer into our eAPC to systematically identify and quantify HLA-peptide targets, generating precise high resolution target maps spanning tumour and HLA diversity across patient populations

TCR Discovery
High-quality TCRs from healthy donors
Combining our eAPC presenting selected HLA-peptide targets with T-cells isolated from healthy immune systems, we rapidly capture promising TCRs from individual T-cells with precision and scale required to address the diverse cancer target space.

TCR Profiling
Precision cell biology for precision cell therapies
We deploy analyses that combine eAPC and eTPC to precisely profile TCR engagements with HLA-peptide targets, modelling the intricate interactions between living cells at the heart of TCR-T cell therapies to ensure potency and safety.

TCR Evolution
Enhancing therapeutic potential of natural TCR
Combining our engineered cell systems and our TORES molecular genetics technology we created a unique directed evolution platform to optimise natural TCRs, delivering safer and more potent TCR-T for challenging HLA-peptide cancer targets.

Precise, scalable and efficient processes
Our modular biotechnologies and systematic approach is designed for highly standardised production and analysis of our novel genetic and cellular constructs, enabling the digitalisation and automation of workflows across our platform.

TCR-T Engineering
Precision gene editing for TCR-T manufacture
We utilise a novel CRISPR-Cas gene editing system to precisely and efficiently integrate our therapeutic TCR into the genome of patient T-cells to manufacture autologous TCR-T cell therapies in a highly standardised process without the use of viral vectors.

State-of-the-art manufacturing facility
We have built and certified a 5000 m2 GMP manufacturing facility with internal process development and quality teams to facilitate deployment of our precision TCR-T cell therapies to clinical trials.